Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Written Statement Sample by Atur Chatur

Written Statement Sample by Atur Chatur
One day when I was looking for some sample of written statement online then I came across many such samples but the one that was perfect from the house of atur chatur (as told by a client) because a written statement need not just be a plain denial because if you just keep on denying the allegations then there are no counter attacks., but on the other hand, counter attacks does not mean counter allegations hence you need to know and understand the difference between a counter attack and counter allegations.

Atur Chatur never ever suggests the husbands or victims of false cases to file wild and bald allegations on the wife or the lady/ women or some girl who may have filed a false DV/ 498A/ RAPE or a false pocso or a false Metoo or a Fake MeToo complaint against you.

This Written Statement needs to be very brief and to the point and the counter attack should never ever use your own allegation, instead, your counter attacks uses the words of the wife/ women or that girl who has filed a false complaint or false FIR on you because if you are able to prove that this women/ girl/ lady has no sanctity or sacredness and that she is a liar then whatever lawyer she uses and whatever corruption she uses even to push a false pocso act complaint then you need to learn and understand the right procedure i.s., how to close a false pocso fir so that a minor’s instigators may be bought to book legally or technically because even if you may not be able to file a counter attack on the minor girl but it is very much possible on the false case or false pocso case instigator relative/ even a lawyer but you need to catch and rewrite only the words of the complainant and their witnesses only and nothing more.

Similarly, a written statement in the form of a petition against the wife who files a false dowry complaint against the husband would be to file a dp3 complaint format along with the written statement as per atur chatur.

Now, there may be a situation wherein the Husband Filed Civil Suit but Wife NOT filing WS so in that case the husband must file a right close application under Order XV Rule 5 of Civil Procedure Code and along with that if the husband files a series of RTI applications to gather evidences against the wife such as USES RTI IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER (for RTI Activists only) then the husband may surely learn the real tactics regarding How to Cancel FIR !!! by just filing the right written statement in a manner which invokes the human rights of the husband and also lays down a large number of preliminary objections and then this may help save the husband and his family’s / relatives ass’s from protection from arbitrary arrest because as per the latest Arnesh Kumar Judgment by Supreme Court of India there is No Automatic Arrest in Matrimonial Cases so while writing a written statement the husband or the victim of false cases must understand the concept viz., Denial Versus Submission in a Written Statement because if the allegation is NOT specifically denied  then it is deemed to have been accepted as per law and also as per the Supreme Court of India and also by several upper courts and High Courts of most states.

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