Tuesday, January 29, 2019

How to close false unnatural sex complaint by Atur Chatur

How to close false unnatural sex complaint by Atur Chatur
There may be instances when someone feels like getting the details of atur chatur to get help in closing a false complaint or FIR u/s 377 i.e., unnatural sex despite a September 2018 ruling by then CJI of Supreme Court of India Justics Dipak Misra but the question arises as to if the Supreme Court has decriminalized the gay and lesbian marriages and the criminalization of the Unnatural Sex u/s 377 CrPC then why this provision is still there and why a husband must learn  “How to Close a False Unnatural Sex Complaint by Wife or Ex-Girlfriend” and the answer is that, since, unnatural sex has been decriminalized only between consenting adults and not between everyone hence the 377 and criminality of section 377 criminal procedure code and also the offence of unnatural sex is here to stay and the husbands and boyfriends and paedophiles may still be booked under this 10 year punishment crime so do NOT take this section 377 unnatural sex lightly under any circumstances and even in PROPERTY DISPUTES people have been found to be using such stringent provisions of law and by asking for consultation by atur chatur by visiting the link viz., BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS, one may learn some counter tactics to fight these false cases and now even if the employer man gets  his employee girl to have signed this forms such as NO OFFENCE DECLARATION forms then also there is a possibility for these girls to claim that her employer forcibly made her to sign and he kept black-mailing her for years hence the scope for a Fake Me Too vis-à-vis a #FakeMeToo of a False #MeToo may always stay looming on the heads of the top guns and celebrities alike especially those who keep surrounded by girls be it employees, coworkers or even students so if the man/ boy/ husband learns some tactics then NOT just the husband or a boyfriend but even a wife may get arrested for female foeticide because as per the link viz., Wife Arrested for Female Foeticide onle may see that the girl/ lady who gets aborted is at more risk of being laid in the traps of a false case and even an application for Quashing u/s 482 may not be sufficient to save the girl/ wife from going behind bars so the right tactics to fight a false FIR is to learn the steps vis-à-vis how to close a false FIR so that the wife is caught not just in a criminal case by the husband but also within a civil suit like divorce or restitution of conjugal rights type false cruelty cases filed by wives thereby learning the tips by atur chatur for the husbands trapped in false 498a and also for NRI i.e., Non Resident Indian husbands trapped in legal extortion by studying tips given at Catch False Allegations of Wife - Order XI CPC & CrPC 91 as these two provisions may help a husband clear the doubts and counter attack legally or technically against a wife’s false complaints and FIR.

1 comment:

  1. atur chatur helpline for men in false 498a (9873540498) for NRI (Non Resident Indian) may help a NRI in knowing how to reduce alimony because the alimony or maintenance may be cut by invoking human rights and attacking legal extortion at the right point

    a LTR may be the right approach if the husband wishes to expose falsity of wife thereby reducing alimony or may be arriving at Zero Alimony for the wife based on LTR as per socialstigma.in

    In Delhi also such NRI from all over India may be able to get help from Atur Chatur by his able consultation

    so, go ahead and file LTR



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